SMATRICS recommends: Adapt charging behaviour to the driving profile
Public holidays and good weather invite you to take longer trips with electric vehicles. The well-developed and constantly growing charging network in Austria enables a seamless and uncomplicated travelling experience. SMATRICS offers further tips on how charging convenience can be further increased.
Range anxiety in Austria is unfounded
"Range anxiety is unfounded in Austria, as the public charging network is very well developed, especially on the main transport routes,W says Hauke Hinrichs, CEO of SMATRICS. Austria's charging infrastructure is already one of the best developed in Europe. As with all new things, it is more about ‘developing a habit and routine. Then charging will be an integral part of our lives, like brushing our teeth after getting up.’
There are more than 22,000 public charging points in Austria. The SMATRICS EnBW charging network has over 16,000 charging points across Austria, while SMATRICS customers throughout Europe, including partner networks and roaming providers, have access to 160,000 charging points. There are already charging points around 60 km apart, particularly along the western and southern motorways.
SMATRICS EnBW is continuously expanding the fast charging network and is also investing in new infrastructure away from the motorways. In the first quarter of 2024 alone, new charging facilities were created in Vienna, Vösendorf, St. Pölten, Vorchdorf, Vöcklabruck and Arnoldstein.
Choose charging and payment options to suit your needs
Hinrichs emphasises: WWe want to support all e-mobilists in making their mobility - whether in everyday life, at work or on holiday - uncomplicated and seamless. This includes charging points at the latest generation of fast-charging stations, a dense charging network and 24/7 service in the event of problems." SMATRICS also offers various payment options, such as via mobile app, with all common charging cards and, since mid-April, also by credit card. Prices are displayed transparently and in real time.
"If I also consciously adapt my charging behaviour to my driving profile, my journey will be even more relaxed," adds Hinrichs. Especially if you have only recently started travelling with an electric car or are taking a new route, it is worth considering a few aspects in advance when planning your charging stops.
Further tips for charging
1. identify charging points along the planned route in advance
It's worth finding out about available charging options before you start your journey to make your travel planning even easier. Both the digital charging network map and the SMATRICS app list all charging points in the SMATRICS EnBW fast-charging network and partner networks - including the type of charging point, opening hours of the charging station and payment options.
2. select charging options according to your own schedule
Depending on the available time slot, a suitable charging point can be selected. The speed of the charging process depends on the vehicle itself and also on the type of charging point. Especially at petrol stations and in charging parks, fast chargers with up to 400 kW power offer the possibility to charge the vehicle in a short time. Allow ten to 20 minutes for this. If you want to make a longer stop for a meal or shopping anyway, charging points with 50-200 kW are a good choice. Here you can expect an average charging time of one hour.
3. full charging is not absolutely necessary
Most vehicles charge the most energy within the first quarter of an hour, after which the charging power gradually decreases. It is generally better for batteries to remain within a charging range of 20 to 80 per cent. Keeping this in mind also helps e-mobilists when planning the route and timing of charging stops.
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