Operating own charging infrastructure & providing e-mobility services offer numerous advantages to local suppliers, public utilities and their customers:

E-mobility solutions for municipal utilities
Charging infrastructure & e-mobility products for municipal utilities
Advantages of own charging infrastructure for municipal utilities
E-mobility guide for municipal utilities
On the opportunities & challenges of charging infrastructure & e-mobility services for municipal utilities.
In this free guide from SMATRICS, you will learn how to
- upgrade locations in a resource-saving way,
- set up your own charging networks and
- ensure efficient & sustainable operation,
to tap into new target groups and make your municipal utility company fit for the future of mobility.
Innovative municipal utilities rely on SMATRICS solutions

With scalable charging infrastructure, intelligent software and efficient services, SMATRICS offers tailor-made e-mobility products to enable municipal utilities and local energy suppliers to get started with e-mobility.

In Germany, this is done together with our shareholder EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG, one of the largest energy corporations in Germany and Europe with a broad energy portfolio.
Your reliable e-mobility partner for municipal utilities
Local suppliers and municipal utilities rely on SMATRICS for charging infrastructure and e-mobile services.
Get in touch
Are you interested in a tailor-made e-mobility solution? Please contact us:
Tailor-made e-mobility for municipal utilities
Whether in full service or as individual components: SMATRICS offers individually tailored e-mobility solutions for municipal utilities.