Operating own charging infrastructure for e-vehicles gives companies with fleets, as well as their employees and guests, numerous advantages:

E-mobility solutions for corporate fleets
Charging infrastructure & e-mobility products for corporate fleets
Advantages of own charging infrastructure for companies with fleets
Full-service solution for fleets of small & medium-sized businesses
VERBUND-eCharging powered by SMATRICS
Are you a small or medium-sized business? Together with VERBUND, SMATRICS also offers you suitable full-service solutions: from wallboxes & charging stations for practical charging at the company site to charging cards for fleet drivers on the road.
Komplettlösung für deutsche E-Flotten
EnBW mobility+ Business Professional powered by SMATRICS
Sie betreiben eine Unternehmensflotte in Deutschland? Gemeinsam mit unserem Shareholder EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG bietet SMATRICS Full-Service-Lösungen rund um das Laden Ihrer Unternehmensflotten - von Wallboxen & Ladestationen für praktisches Laden an Unternehmensstandorten bis zu Ladekarten für Flottenfahrer:innen unterwegs.
Innovative companies with fleets rely on solutions from SMATRICS
Your reliable e-mobility partner for corporate fleets
Companies with fleets rely on SMATRICS for charging infrastructure and e-mobility services.
Get in touch
We are happy to support you in the planning, construction and expansion of charging infrastructure - starting from 5 charging points upwards.
Tailor-made e-mobility for companies with fleets
Whether in full service or as individual components: SMATRICS offers custom-tailored e-mobility solutions for companies with fleets.