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E-mobility solutions for gas stations

Charging infrastructure & e-mobility products for gas station operators

Advantages of own charging infrastructure for gas station operators

Operating own charging infrastructure for e-vehicles gives gas station operators and their customers numerous advantages:

  • Quick & easy entry into the e-mobility business

  • Generate additional added value

  • Increase the loyalty of existing customers, open up new target groups & achieve longer stays on site

  • Efficient contribution to sustainability

  • Future-proof scalable solution for the mobility of tomorrow

  • Increase of innovative power & own brand value

E-mobility guide for gas stations

About the opportunities & challenges of charging infrastructure & e-mobility services for gas stations.

In this free guide from SMATRICS, you will learn how to

  • upgrade locations in a resource-saving way,
  • set up your own charging networks and
  • ensure efficient & sustainable operation,

to tap into new target groups and to make your locations ready for the future of mobility.

Innovative gas station operators rely on solutions from SMATRICS

Your reliable e-mobility partner for gas stations

Gas station operators rely on SMATRICS for the construction & operation of charging infrastructure.

  • Experienced & reliable full-service provider of electromobility

  • Successful operation of the largest high-power charging network in Austria

  • Technical expertise in the field of charging infrastructure for gas stations (legal, technical, structural requirements)

  • Plug & play e-mobility solutions for gas stations

  • Intelligent software solutions made by our experienced in-house development team

  • Modular product portfolio for maximum flexibility

Webinar: E-Mobilität für Tankstellen in Deutschland

Die Mobilitätswende stellt Tankstellenbetreiber vor Herausforderungen, birgt zugleich aber auch erhebliche Chancen.

In diesem Webinar erfahren Sie praxisnah, was für die Schaffung von Ladeinfrastruktur für Tankstellen wesentlich ist und welches Potenzial innovative Unternehmen erwartet, die den Schritt in Richtung E-Mobilität wagen.

Get in touch

Are you interested in a tailor-made e-mobility solution? Please contact us:

SMA - B2B Kontaktformular - EN

Who will charge at your charging stations?
Guests and/or customers
Company & fleet vehicles (without billing)
Employees with a private e-car (billed by kWh)
Car park tenants (charged according to kWh)
Which and how many charging stations do you want to install?
AC (normal charger up to 22 kW): 5-10 charging points
AC (normal charger up to 22 kW): over 10 charging points
DC (fast chargers from 50 kW): From 1 charging station
Unclear yet
Who should install the charging stations?
My electrical service provider will carry out the entire installation of the charging stations.
My electrical service provider will carry out the pre-installation and SMATRICS will install and connect the charging stations.
SMATRICS will take full responsibility for the installation of the charging stations.
Is not yet defined / Is still unclear.
How many charging stations have you already installed?
Over 50
Data protection notice

I have acknowledged the information the privacy policy, in particular the information about the data processing contact form.
I agree and have taken note of the data protection information.

Tailor-made e-mobility for gas stations

Whether in full service or as individual components: SMATRICS offers custom-tailored e-mobility solutions for gas station operators.