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5 Punkte Plan für Mobilitätswende
Release Date: 04.03.2025

SMATRICS calls for a mobility transition without hurdles: E-mobility & charging infrastructure as key

The new government program sets important priorities for strengthening e-mobility in Austria. New allocations of responsibilities at ministry level must not become an obstacle to the mobility transition. SMATRICS presents a 5-point plan for Austria's charging future for urgently needed quick wins.

As a leading company in the field of charging infrastructure, SMATRICS welcomes the government's objectives in the areas of e-mobility, decarbonization and energy, but warns of the challenges posed by the distribution of responsibilities among three ministries.

“The mobility transition and the energy transition must go hand in hand. E-mobility in Austria can only be successful in the long term with a strong charging network and a sustainable infrastructure. Close cooperation between the ministries responsible for the transport, energy and climate agendas is essential. Otherwise, there is a risk of frictional losses that slow down progress,” explains Hauke Hinrichs, CEO of SMATRICS.


Strengthening Austria's e-mobility industry

The strong e-mobility industry in Austria has proven in recent years that it can drive innovation and sustainable solutions. Companies, charging infrastructure operators and energy suppliers are already working closely together to successfully shape the ramp-up of e-mobility. However, sustainable further development also requires a clear tailwind from politicians.

“The players on the market have made enormous progress and are actively helping Austria to set a good example in the mobility transition. Now it is up to politicians to use this momentum and ensure a stable future with clear framework conditions and targeted subsidies,” emphasizes Hinrichs.

In its 2022 master plan, SMATRICS has already defined key measures that are essential for the ramp-up of e-mobility. Many of these points have now been implemented and have contributed to the increasing acceptance of the mobility transition. The task now is to analyze the status quo and set the course for the coming years.

Five key demands for quick wins in the mobility transition

1. faster ramp-up of e-mobility: the expansion of the charging infrastructure is progressing, but approval procedures and grid bottlenecks are slowing down progress. Affordable energy prices are a key factor in the success of e-mobility.

2. clear and future-oriented framework conditions: Close coordination between the ministries and coordinated cooperation between all players involved are essential. This also requires the announced rapid implementation of the amendment to the Electricity Industry and Organization Act (ElWG).

3. reduction of bureaucracy and acceleration of procedures: Bureaucratic hurdles must be reduced in order to increase the efficiency of planning and approval processes. Statutory approval exemptions for e-charging stations and the establishment of a “one-stop store” can significantly accelerate the expansion of the charging infrastructure.

4. targeted funding programmes for charging infrastructure and decarbonization: The existing EBIN, ENIN and LADIN funding programmes have proven their worth. In order to ensure the ramp-up of e-mobility in the long term, these must be continued. At the same time, technological openness must not slow down the progress of battery electric mobility.

5. strong grids for sustainable mobility: electromobility must be integrated as flexibility into the grid expansion in order to ensure a stable and sustainable energy supply. High grid fees are a burden on the expansion of the charging infrastructure and must be reduced. The distribution grid operators need more staff to avoid grid bottlenecks.

Take a look at the complete 5-point plan for Austria's charging future from SMATRICS - download the document (PDF, in German).