Press conference: Master plan for charging infrastructure 2030
At a joint press conference, SMATRICS CEO Hauke Hinrichs and VERBUND CEO Michael Strugl presented a comprehensive action plan to pave the way for Austria's successful e-mobility future.
Charging infrastructure as key element of the mobility revolution
Austria is one of the European leaders when it comes to the number of charging stations available. However, a lot needs to happen at a much faster pace if the goal of a climate-neutral transport sector is to be achieved within the next decade:
Only a third of the charging infrastructure that the country should actually have according to plan has actually been built in Austria so far. Numerous factors are slowing down and preventing the nationwide expansion of charging solutions.
Against this background, SMATRICS' "Charging Infrastructure Master Plan 2030" identifies 5 concrete measures in different fields of action and development that will enable Austria to have a successful e-mobile future.
Together for the mobility of the future
At a joint press conference on October 17, 2022, Hauke Hinrichs, CEO of SMATRICS, and Michael Strugl, CEO of VERBUND, presented the master plan. The recording of the livestream can be found on VERBUND's channel on YouTube.
The "Charging Infrastructure Master Plan 2030" is available in the SMATRICS press area and here: